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Show Me Your Love

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 蕭亞軒 / Elva First
Strange as It maY seem I have waIted for thIs daY all mY lIfe.
BUt now what do I saY? A Light's been tUrned off Inside.
AlthoUgh I know theY saY That to love YoU have to gIve YoUr love awaY.
YoUr traIn Is goIng to leave,
Tell me how am I to saY goodbYe,todaY?
WIll It be lIke a scene From a pIctUre show, long ago?
]WIll YoU tUrn and hold me tIght
[01:37.39'll never let me go?
WIll the aUdIence crY And dream of havIng love lIke oUrs somedaY?
Or wIll theY close theIr eYes, SoftlY sIgh, and tUrn awaY.
Show me YoUr eYes, What do theY see?
What are YoUr lookIng for? CoUld It be me?
Now Is the tIme, Now Is the moment for YoUr love to lIve.
Show me YoUr heart, What does It Yearn for?
If we Only had A moment more.
If YoU tUrned, woUld YoU know, It's YoU I'm Dreaming of?
JUst lIke a faIrYtale, That I Used to know, long ago.
I've foUnd mY prInce at last Now tell me whY he has to go?
And when the Years have passed,
WIll YoUr heart stIll see me as I am todaY?
Or wIll YoUr Memories FlIcker once, then fade awaY?
Show me YoUr eYes, TUrn back to me.
What am I crYIng for? Now YoU'll be free.
Gone from mY lIfe. Gone wIth the daYs of lonelY wonderIng.
Show me YoUr heart, what does It beat for?
Have we been frIends or somethIng more?
If YoU tUrn, then YoU'll know It's YoU I'll dream of.
Show me YoUr eYes, jUst show me YoUr heart, show me YoUr love

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