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Gotta Let It Go

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 蕭亞軒 / Elva First
Gotta Let It Go(蕭亞軒)
(YoU know I've been thInkIng)

If YoU got somethInd to saY,then saY It
LIsten Up,LIsten Up
If YoU want me there Is somethIng YoU shoUld know
I'm the tYpe of gIrl who wIll not be contRolled

Do not Fall over me wherever I go
and If YoU hUrt @R_238_1955@ I'm not responsIble
WhY do boYs get crazY
lIke the world Is gonna end todaY
GIve It tIme or gIve It Up
Oh wow If YoU want to get wIth me
YoU're got to let It go
Yeah Yeah If YoU want to get wIth me
YoU're got to let It go
so let me get thIs straIght,
YoU're saYIng no strIngs atached no catch
Does It seem that for fetched
EverYtIme YoU Try to talk to me It's clear
YoU're jUst saYIng thIngs YoU thInk I want to hear
PromIse YoU won't gIve Up on me Tomorrow
and YoU wIll be fooled thIs tIme
well let me tell YoU what I thInk,
I'll gIve YoU a pIece of mY mInd
cUz everYtIme YoU lead me on
YoU make me stop on a dIme
It's all good If YoU wanna flaUnt
It I wanna get Up on It
bUt stop the tease
JUst saY Please If YoU reallY want It
cUz we can take It fast or sLow jUst don't saY no
What are YoU all gettIng crazY for
[02:49It's eIther do or don't
It's eIther wIll or won't It's rather sImple
So cUz the crap c'mon lets get It on
BUt If It's another one of those games
that YoU're PlayIng and I happen to know
Then Babe I'm sorrY I'm gonna have to let YoU go

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