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歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 蕭亞軒 / Elva First
Love... shatters a lonelY heart
Up In the open skY
I see YoUr face In the dark
Oh My Love... far from the earth
Where YoU're holdIng me close
BabY I ... I love YoU so
Love... dreams and IllUsIons
I see In YoUr eYes
LosIng mYself In YoUr lIes
I'm alone... walkIng back home
on mY own
Lost and cold,
Can't fInd YoU Anymore
Thears fLowed; theY've gone cold
CrYIng In mY sorrow
And no matter how I Try and I Try to
Remember where YoU Used to be
I search mY heart and I fInd
there's no one there
Woh... mIdnIght
I feel lIke I've dIed In mY sleep
LookIng back on those wonderfUl moments
I had never dreamed thIs woUld be
Now all that's left Is a broken heart wIth me
No one has ever been a dreamer for me
I've been a fool for lovIng YoU endlesslY


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