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歌詞來(lái)源專輯:華語(yǔ)女歌手 / 蕭亞軒 / Elva First
maY the Only waY to foget YoU Is to fInd @R_556_1575@ new
verY fIrst nIght that we ever kIssed
I felt so dIvIne Summer breeze throUgh and blew mY mInd
YoUr Smile YoUr stYle YoU took YoUr tIme to show
now sweet love coUld be for YoUr and me
what YoU looked at me lIke YoU got nothIng to hIde
thIngs YoU share wIth me so sIncerelY
ever YoU got me trIppIn’s shIngIng oh so dream
* Yes YoU make me Smile In oh so manY waYs
tUrn me Inside oUt swIth mY mInd Into a @R_233_2607@
everY heartbeat I see My Love grow
lIke a fLower soft and pUre
lonelY YesterdaYs raInY holIdaYs
YoUr love fIlls me Up YoU make thIs world a
throUgh the seasons of joY and paIn wIll YoU
babY can I be the one
mornIng Light caressed mY brand new daY
as I stepped oUtsIde left YoUr Please to bet mY bUsIness
It`s boUt tIme for romance YoU make mY heart Dance
I have wasled too mUch tIme jUst pUggIn’ aroUnd
Memories fIlled wIth tears and heart breaks
rIght on tIme YoU came Into mY lIfe
and now I’m skIppIng sIngIng oh so freelY
happIness can take over me I’ll shower YoU wIth kIsses
even If there’s tImes we hIt the groUnd we’ll fInd a
I am all for YoU babe and I hope that YoU are all for me
YoU know what
babY,YoU are the one
Yes YoU make me Smile In oh so manY waYs
tUrn me rIght sIde Up swItch mY mInd Into a peacefUl frame
everY heartbeat I see My Love fLow
and YoU’re there to receIve It all
lonelY YesterdaYs raInY holIdaYs
YoUr love fIlls me Up YoU make thIs world a beaU-tI-fUl
throUgh the seasons of joY and paIn wIll YoU hold mY hand
babY can I be the one


Never Look Back