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This Is My Song

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 黃鶯鶯 / Songs Of The 60's
?WhY Is mY heart so Light
WhY are the stars so brIght
WhY Is the skY so blUe
SInce the hoUr I met YoU
FLowers are smIlIng brIght
SmIlIng for oUr deLight
SmIlIng so tenderlY
For all the world YoU and me
I know whY the world Is smIlIng
SmIlIng so tenderlY
It hears the same old storY
ThroUgh all eternItY
Love thIs Is mY song
Here Is a song a serenade to YoU
The world cannot be wrong
If In thIs world there Is YoU
I care not what the world maY saY
WIthoUt YoUr love there Is no daY
So love thIs Is mY song
Here Is a song a serenade to YoU

I care not what the world maY saY
WIthoUt YoUr love there Is no daY
So love thIs Is mY song
Here Is mY song a serenade to YoU

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To Sir With Love
Sound Of Silence