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San Francisco(Be Sure To Wear

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 黃鶯鶯 / Songs Of The 60's
Gentle people wIth fLowers In theIr haIr

All across the natIon

SUch a strange vIbratIon people In Motion

There's a whole generatIon wIth a new eXplanatIon

People In Motion people In Motion

For those who come to San FrancIsco

SummertIme wIll be a love-In there

In the streets of San FrancIsco

Gentle people wIth fLowers In theIr haIr
If YoU're goIng to San FrancIsco

Be sUre to wear some fLowers In YoUr haIr
San FrancIsco San FrancIsco San FrancIsco

San FrancIsco

《San Francisco(Be Sure To Wear》歌詞查歌詞收集整理

Sound Of Silence
Rhythm Of The Rain