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If We Are Only Friends

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 黃鶯鶯 / Songs Of The 60's

CoUld we be so Happy as for the whole word to see
If we are Only frIends

Only YoU mean YoUr arms YoU hold me

To certaInlY It's tIme to apart

I wander whY YoU alwaYs hold me

So close to YoUr heat
If we are Only frIends

WhY don't YoU Dance wIth @R_705_1575@ new

And when the partY end

WhY do I alwaYs leave wIth YoU

There Is a Happy endIng

BUt on YoU that depends

And UntIl YoU tell me

I can Only save If we jUst verY good frIend

We are Only good frIends

We are stIll verY good frIends

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Rhythm Of The Rain
I Wanna Be Free