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Wonderful Tonight

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 方大同 / Timeless 可啦思刻
It's late In the evenIng
she's wonderIng what clothes to wear
She pUts on her make-Up
and brUshes her long blonde haIr
And then she asks me, Do I look all rIght?
And I saY, Yes, YoU look wonderfUl tonIght.

We go to a partY and everYone tUrns to see
ThIs beaUtIfUl ladY that's walkIng aroUnd wIth me.
And then she asks me, "Do YoU feel all rIght?
And I saY, Yes, I feel wonderfUl tonIght.

I feel wonderfUl becaUse I see the love
LightIng In YoUr eYes
and the wonder of It all
Is that YoU jUst don't realIze
how mUch I love YoU

It's tIme to go home now and I've got an achIng head
so I gIve her the car keYs
and she helps me to bed
and than I tell her
as I tUrn oUt the Light
I saId oh mY darlIng, YoU are wonderfUl tonIght
oh mY darlIng, YoU are wonderfUl tonIght

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