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歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 方大同 / JTW 西游記
When the tIme had come
ManY tImes before

ManY lIves before
ManY wIves before
When everY mother's chIld
EverY father's son

JoIned the regIments
Of the generals

When the nIght had gone
And the daY had dawned
We realIzed how great a loss

JUst once

If we Only had a sIngle chance
JUst once

WIth a decIsIon that
WoUld InflUence the world

What woUld we do
If we were gIven jUst once

If the fInal rUle
In a coUrt of law
CoUld determIne lIfe
Or death for all
Or pUnIshment

Of the Innocent
And neglIgence

Of the gUIltY men
WoUld the world
Be broUght to loftIness

Or Fall Unto Its knees
JUst once

If we Only had a sIngle chance
JUst once

WIth a decIsIon that
WoUld InflUence the world

What woUld we do
If we were gIven jUst once

To make the wIsest choIce
That we have ever made

To spread a word of love to everY race
JUst once

What woUld we do
If we were gIven
JUst once

