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歌詞來源專輯:抖音歌曲 / 抖音紅歌 /
Yo, I'll tell YoU what I want, what I reallY reallY want,@H_572_0@ So tell me what YoU want, what YoU reallY reallY want,@H_572_0@ I'll tell YoU what I want, what I reallY reallY want,@H_572_0@ So tell me what YoU want, what YoU reallY reallY want,@H_572_0@ I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna reallY@H_572_0@ reallY reallY wanna zIgazIg ha.@H_572_0@ If YoU want mY fUtUre forget mY past,@H_572_0@ If YoU wanna get wIth me better make It fast,@H_572_0@ Now don't go wastIng mY precIoUs tIme,@H_572_0@ Get YoUr act Together we coUld be jUst fIne@H_572_0@ I'll tell YoU what I want, what I reallY reallY want,@H_572_0@ So tell me what YoU want, what YoU reallY reallY want,@H_572_0@ I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna reallY@H_572_0@ reallY reallY wanna zIgazIg ha.@H_572_0@ If YoU wanna be @R_573_1840@r, YoU gotta get wIth mY frIends,@H_572_0@ Make It last Forever frIendshIp never ends,@H_572_0@ If YoU wanna be @R_573_1840@r, YoU have got to gIve,@H_572_0@ TakIng Is too easY, bUt that's the waY It Is.@H_572_0@ What do YoU thInk aboUt that now YoU know how I feel,@H_572_0@ SaY YoU can handle @R_573_1840@ are YoU for real,@H_572_0@ I won't be hastY, I'll gIve YoU a Try@H_572_0@ If YoU reallY bUg me then I'll saY goodbYe.@H_572_0@ So here's a storY from A to Z, YoU wanna get wIth me@H_572_0@ YoU gotta lIsten carefUllY,@H_572_0@ We got Em In the place who lIkes It In YoUr face,@H_572_0@ we got G lIke MC who lIkes It on an@H_572_0@ EasY V doesn't come for free, she's a real ladY,@H_572_0@ and as for me YoU'll see,@H_572_0@ Slam YoUr Body down and wInd It all aroUnd@H_572_0@ Slam YoUr Body down and wInd It all aroUnd.@H_572_0@ If YoU wanna be @R_573_1840@r, YoU gotta, YoU gotta, YoU gotta,@H_572_0@ YoU gotta, YoU gotta, slam, slam, slam, slam@H_572_0@ Slam YoUr Body down and wInd It all aroUnd.@H_572_0@ Slam YoUr Body down and wInd It all aroUnd.@H_572_0@ Slam YoUr Body down and wInd It all aroUnd.@H_572_0@ Slam YoUr Body down zIgazIg ah@H_572_0@ If YoU wanna be @R_573_1840@r.@H_572_0@ 作者: 未知@H_572_0@ END


If You Feel My Love (Chaow MIX)