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2 Soon

歌詞來源專輯:抖音歌曲 / 抖音紅歌 /
2 soon --Jon YoUng

If I dIe YoUng, bUrY, bUrY me In satIn 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在綢緞里,
LaY me down on a, bed of roses 將我的身體放在玫瑰床上,
SInk me In the rIver, at dawn 黎明時(shí)分將我沉浸在河流里,
Send me awaY wIth the words of a love song 伴著愛情的歌將我送。

If I dIe YoUng, bUrY, bUrY me In satIn 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在綢緞里,
LaY me down on a, bed of roses 將我的身體放在玫瑰床上,
SInk me In the rIver, at dawn 黎明時(shí)分將我沉浸在河流里,
Send me awaY wIth the words of a love song 伴著愛的歌將我送

Now thIs Is dedIcated to the ones
That lost theIr lIves a lIttle too earlY 這個(gè)是獻(xiàn)給那些年少時(shí)候失去生的人,
To the famIlIes oUt there stIll In paIn 獻(xiàn)給那些仍然沉浸在悲痛中的家庭,
I know that Y'all are stIll hUrtIn' 我知道你們所有在生的人依舊很受傷,
LosIng loved ones, and rIdas 因?yàn)槭チ酥劣H至愛,
And sons no longer wIth Us 和不再和我們?cè)谝黄鸬暮⒆樱?br /> To the Soldiers overseas 那些身處異國鄉(xiāng)的戰(zhàn)士,
Never comIng home to theIr famIlIes 他們再也沒有回到家鄉(xiāng)和親人相聚。
We breathe bUt It reallY don't get no better 我們深深呼吸著但這并沒有緩解,
TheY kInda went oUt too soon 他們離開的太突然,
So mUch too lIve for stIll 依舊活生生的印在那一刻。
JUst bUIlt a babY's room 建個(gè)嬰兒房就好,
Last Year he was the groom 去年曾是新郎,
And now hIs soUl Is set free 而現(xiàn)在的靈魂已獲自由,
BUt stIll alIve In YoUr mInd 但仍活靈活現(xiàn)的印在你的大腦中。
When YoU laY down to sleep 當(dāng)你躺下入睡時(shí),
TheY never reallY gone, take tIme lIke Cash saId 他們從未真正離開,像Cash說的那樣度過時(shí)間
TheY lIvIn' In oUr hearts 他們活在了我們的中,
I know It, I can feel hIm there 我知道的 ,因?yàn)槲夷軌蚋杏X就在那兒,
TheY lookIn' down Upon Us 他們俯視著我們,帶著輕蔑,
GUIdIng Us throUgh all the strUggles 引導(dǎo)我們經(jīng)歷所有的煎熬,
HelpIng Us to fInd all the pIeces of the pUzzle, Yeah 幫我們找到所有的迷惑。
The paIns doUble when It's @R_773_1575@ so YoUng 當(dāng)如此年輕的人離開時(shí),傷痛會(huì)加倍,
BUt theY gonna lIve throUgh Us 但他們將通過我們來生活,
So theY can see how It's done, Yeah 因此他們能看的見我們是怎么生活的,
All the tears, and the fUn 看的見我們所有的眼淚和快樂,
And everYthIng In between 和介于兩者之間的一切。
We raIse the glass In the aIr 我們?cè)诳諝庵信e杯,
For the ones no longer seen 為了那些我們?cè)僖部?a target="_blank" class="keywords">不見的人。

If I dIe YoUng, bUrY, bUrY me In satIn 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在綢緞里,
LaY me down on a, bed of roses 將我的身體放在玫瑰床上,
SInk me In the rIver, at dawn 黎明時(shí)分將我沉浸在河流里,
Send me awaY wIth the words of a love song 伴著愛情的歌將我送。

LIfe aIn't alwaYs what YoU thInk It oUght to be, no 生活不一定跟著你想象的,不是的
AIn't even greY, bUt she bUrIes her babY 不是灰色的,但她埋葬了她的孩子
The sharp knIfe of a short lIfe, well 好吧,那是短暫生的一把鋒利的刀

Yeah, now I can't Understand 現(xiàn)在我不能理解
WhY the Lord Is takIng these kIds 為什么上帝把這些小孩帶
So manY kIdnappIngs and mUrders 世上有如此多的綁架和殺人犯
RIght here rIght aroUnd where I lIve 他們可以好好的活在我生活的周圍
Let alone the rest of the world 更別說世的其地方了
MY heart goes oUt to that gIrl 我的飛到了那個(gè)女孩那兒
So R.I.P. lIttle CaYlee 那么息吧,小凱莉 (這首歌就是給凱莉?qū)懙?,?歲時(shí)被親母殺害)
How coUld thIs happen to a babY? 這怎能發(fā)生在一個(gè)嬰孩身上
I get so sIck of thIs place 我在這感到很難過
BUt I Try to focUs on the good 但我仍盡量想好的方面
BUt It's hard when YoU lose @R_773_1575@ 但這很難尤其是
WaY sooner than YoU probablY shoUld 在如此快的失去你身邊人的時(shí)候
If I coUld, I'd take all the paIn awaY 如果可以的話,我會(huì)把所有悲傷都帶
No more fUnerals 不再由葬禮
Or vIstIng cemeterIes on holIdaYs 或在放假的時(shí)候掃墓
I jUst wanna drIft awaY 我只想飄
From all the paIn that we feelIn' 從我們感覺到的所有痛苦中解脫
Man, It's been ten Years 已經(jīng)10年了
SInce ChrIs dIed, I'm stIll healIn' 自從ChrIs(人名)死后,我仍然在療傷
One of the fIrst dUdes 第一群人里的其中一個(gè)
To pUsh me In thIs rappIn' 給我重重一擊
I'll never forget, we shed so manY tears 我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)忘記,我們流了如此多的眼淚
So tragIc, YoU and YoUr brother passIn' 你和你兄弟的離開,會(huì)是這樣的悲慘,
How coUld thIs happen? 這種事怎么會(huì)發(fā)生呢
YoU stIll here thoUgh 你卻在這里
EverYtIme I'm laYIn' down a track 每次我想放棄追蹤
Man, I gotta keep It crackIn' 哎,我將保持這個(gè)重?fù)袈?br /> I know thIs was YoUr dream 我知道這是你的夢(mèng)想
@R_575_3668@ It for the ones that are no longer seen 我會(huì)為那些無法再見的人們而做

The sharp knIfe of a short lIfe, well 好吧,那是短暫生的一把鋒利的刀
I've had, jUst enoUgh tIme 我只擁有足夠的時(shí)間

If I dIe YoUng, bUrY, bUrY me In satIn 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在綢緞里,
LaY me down on a, bed of roses 將我的身體放在玫瑰床上,
SInk me In the rIver, at dawn 黎明時(shí)分將我沉浸在河流里,
Send me awaY wIth the words of a love song 伴著愛情的歌將我送。

If I dIe YoUng, bUrY, bUrY me In satIn 如果我英年早逝,就把我埋葬在綢緞里,
LaY me down on a, bed of roses 將我的身體放在玫瑰床上,
SInk me In the rIver, at dawn 黎明時(shí)分將我沉浸在河流里,
Send me awaY wIth the words of a love song伴著愛情的歌將我送

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