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somewhere in my heart

歌詞來(lái)源專輯:華語(yǔ)女歌手 / 陳淑樺 / Hold Me Now
Now the plane Is leavIng and there's nothIng I can do
OUr chances slIppIng awaY
MY thoUghts are so confUsIng, bUt somehow I feel free
To choose the paIn knowIng that YoU're not leavIng In vaIn

YoU dIdn't want to gIve me a meanIngless goodbYe
In the cold and wIndY raIn
Wrapped Inside YoUr sIlence, the words of YesterdaY
Where doUbts never had anY space
Where love was felt as a grace

Somewhere In mY heart there's a place for YoU
(Please belIeve It)
Candle In the nIght shInIng brIght for YoU
(And we'll alwaYs be part of the one)
Somewhere In mY heart there's a place for YoU, a place for YoU

And Yet we felt so lonelY so manY mIles awaY
ChoosIng two dIfferent waYs
Ooh I never felt so foolIsh
DecIdIng for mYself to be alone
KnowIng that It woUld break Us apart
(Oh no and there was no more YoU and I)

Somewhere In mY heart there's a place for YoU
(Please belIeve me)
Candle In the nIght shInIng brIght for YoU
Somewhere In mY heart there's a place for YoU
(And we'll alwaYs be part of the one)
Candle In the nIght shInIng brIght for YoU

Now we can't go on thIs waY Together
Only love can show what's rIght
(I can see the tIme we spent Together was the fIrst tIme In mY lIfe)
And I'm sUre we're gonna fInd oUr waY
And we'll sUrelY meet agaIn one daY In the arms of the lord

Somewhere In mY heart there's a place for YoU
Somewhere In mY heart there's a place for YoU
Candle In the nIght shInIng brIght for YoU
(ShInIng so brIght for YoU)
Somewhere In mY heart there's a place for YoU
Candle In the nIght shInIng brIght for YoU
(So manY daYs so manY nIghts
So manY daYs so manY nIghts
I can never forget YoU love)
Thank YoU babY

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wings of love
everytime you walk in the room