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歌詞來(lái)源專輯:華語(yǔ)女歌手 / 陳淑樺 / Hold Me Now
OUt of the wIndow
ChasIn' the raInbow
WIsh YoU coUld staY tonIght
I can remember
TImes when YoU told me
Be patIent jUst waIt a whIle

It happened so qUIcklY the neXt thIng I knew
I foUnd @R_995_1575@ precIoUs
Now I've pUt all hopes In YoU

Closer, come closer
StaY wIth me
Closer Forever
StaY, close to me

I'll be YoUr shelter
Ooh when the wInd bLows
I'll rock YoU to sleep In mY arms
The moment YoU toUched me
I was In heaven
I wanted to reach for The Stars
It happened so qUIcklY
The neXt thIng I knew
We foUnd somethIng specIal
@R_995_1575@ to hold on to

Closer come closer
Won't YoU staY, wIth me
Closer Forever staY close to me

DIstant voIces callIng oUt YoUr name
BUt I'm the Only one YoU hear
WhIspered promIses that we make
A dream we know wIll never dIsappear

Closer closer, won't YoU staY wIth me
Closer closer Forever

Closer come closer
Won't YoU staY, staY wIth me
Closer closer Forever
StaY close to me

Closer closer to me
I wanna be closer
In the evenIn' tIme babY
RIght here rIght now


Love Song
Hold Me Now