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How Can I Believe

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 周華健 / Forever Young不朽年華英文精選集
專輯/周華健《Sad WIthoUt YoU

CoUld be wrong.How do I know
Now YoU're gone.I'm feelIng Low
Heard YoU saY .YoU'd never leave
Can I belIeve YoU
YesterdaY YoU were wIth me
Went awaY leavIng me free
Heard YoU saY YoU'd never leave
Can I belIeve YoU
How can I belIeve everYthIng YoU saY
How can I belIeve YoU won't go awaY
Doesn't have to be for eternItY
YoU can stIll feel free wIth me

When YoU're here.I feel secUre
In YoUr armsI feel so sUre
CoUld be wrong.How do I know
Can I belIeve YoU

How can I belIeve everYthIng YoU saY
How can I belIeve YoU won't go awaY
Doesn't have to be for eternItY
YoU can stIll feel free wIth me
How can I belIeve everYthIng YoU saY
How can I belIeve YoU won't go awaY
Doesn't have to be for eternItY
YoU can stIll feel free wIth me

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The Way I Feel Tonight
The Magic Memont