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The First Time

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 周華健 / Songs of Birds
原唱/The SUrface
專輯/周華健《Songs of BIrds》

YoU know I won't forget the tImes
we shared Together,
holdIng hands and walkIng In the park.
SometIme we'll have to do It all agaIn.
We were so Happy then.
I have no regrets.
Can't YoU tell from the look on mY face
that I love YoU more todaY?
The fIrst tIme I looked InTo Your eYes I crIed.
Do YoU remember the fIrst tIme we fell In love?
YoU looked Into mY eYes,
wIped the tears awaY.
The fIrst tIme when we fell In love.

AlthoUgh some tIme has passed,
I stIll remember jUst lIke It was YesterdaY.
BUt tIme Is movIn' fast.
The love I have for YoU
tIme won't ever change,
I'll alwaYs feel the same,
now UntIl the end.
Memories we share wIll lIve Forever.
Deep Inside mY heart.
I know I'll never forget.
The fIrst tIme I looked InTo Your eYes I crIed.
Do YoU remember the fIrst tIme we fell In love?
YoU looked Into mY eYes,
wIped the tears awaY.
The fIrst tIme when we fell In love.

The fIrst tIme I looked InTo Your eYes I crIed.
Do YoU remember the fIrst tIme we fell In love?
YoU looked Into mY eYes,
wIped the tears awaY.
The fIrst tIme when we fell In love.
The fIrst tIme.

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How Deep Is Your Love
Just The Way You Are