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Lover's Moon

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 鐘鎮(zhèn)濤 / 簡簡單單的生活
There's a lover's moon tonIght
As I look back over mY shoUlder
All The Stars are shInIng brIght
JUst lIke the nIghts when I Used to hold her
She's oUt there somewhere Under the lover's moon

Lover's moon won't YoU shIne on me
I'm dancIng wIth a memorY
WIsh I maY, I wIsh I mIght
Have one last chance to hold her tIght

And she's waItIng, I know she's waItIng
I know she waIts for me
Under the lover's moon

There's a lover's moon tonIght
ShInIng down on half of thIs world
So manY soUls are In Its Light
BUt for me there Is jUst one gIrl

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