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Broken China

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 鄭中基 / 敵人
broken chIna
詞:braIn nash
曲:tanYa leah

love Is sUch a fragIle thIng
rear and fIne as porcalaIn
It can break so easIlY
bUt It's hard to mend
we dIdn't hold on tIght enoUgh
when lInes were crossed we lost oUr trUst
It's lIke we let a precIoUs cUp
Fall from oUr hands
we can pIck Up the pIeces one bY one
Try to Undo the damage done
and hope that thIngs wIll one daY be the same
we can glUe Us Together bIt bY bIt
and make the jagged edges fIt
bUt the scars wIll be lIke cracks that remaIn
on broken chIna

Under cover of the dark
we lIe In eachothers arms
and for a moment nothIng's wrong and we're okaY
bUt when mornIng comes the sUn reveals
there are woUnds that haven't healed
we realIze theY never wIll bUt stIll we praY

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