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歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 張信哲 / 夜色
PraY@H_232_0@ @H_232_0@ When the tIme gets near for me to show My Love@H_232_0@ The longer I staYed awaY for@H_232_0@ HIdIng from a word I need to hear now@H_232_0@ Don't thInk I'll hear It agaIn@H_232_0@ @H_232_0@ BUt the nIghts were alwaYs warm wIth YoU@H_232_0@ HoldIng YoU rIght bY mY sIde@H_232_0@ BUt the mornIng alwaYs comes too soon@H_232_0@ Before I even close mY eYes@H_232_0@ @H_232_0@ All I Do each nIght Is praY@H_232_0@ HopIng that I'll be a part of YoU agaIn some daY@H_232_0@ All I Do each nIght Is thInk@H_232_0@ Of all the tImes I closed the door to keep My Love wIthIn@H_232_0@ @H_232_0@ If YoU can't forgIve the past@H_232_0@ I'll Understand that@H_232_0@ Can't Understand whY I dId thIs To You@H_232_0@ And all of the daYs and the nIghts so I'll regret It@H_232_0@ I never showed YoU My Love@H_232_0@ @H_232_0@ SUrelY we mUst be In sIght@H_232_0@ Of the dream we long to be lIve@H_232_0@ Of YoU stop and close YoUr eYes@H_232_0@ YoU'll pIctUre me Inside@H_232_0@ I'm so cold and all alone


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