- 不惜時光(單曲)
- 暗戀(單曲)
- 永生永愛(單曲)
- 天堂旅行團(單曲)
- 最可愛的人(單曲)
- 無忘(單曲)
- 女兒國(單曲)
- 越愛(單曲)
- 她(單曲)
- 綻放美妙驚喜
- U&I
- 越愛
- 千百度
- Dear Jane II
- 電視劇 有翡
- 致我們終將逝去的青春...
I Didn't Know
歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 張靚穎 / 傾聽·張靚穎
To apologIze
There was a tIme that I thoUght
I coUld toUch the skY and Never Cry
Now I'll leave It all behInd
YoU gave me everY Reason to belIeve
YoU were an angel that YoU'd be faIthfUl
Oh no no no
I dIdn't know
That YoU'd tUrn aroUnd and hUrt me babY
Leave me alone
YoU threw It all awaY so YoU And I wIll never be
I dIdn't know
That YoU'd be the one to tell me lIes
Leave me alone
It's too late to apologIze
There was a tIme that I thoUght
I coUld toUch the skY and Never Cry
Now I'll leave It all behInd
YoU gave me everY Reason to belIeve
YoU were an angel that YoU'd be faIthfUl
Oh no no no
I dIdn't know
That YoU'd tUrn aroUnd and hUrt me babY
Leave me alone
YoU threw It all awaY so YoU And I wIll never be
I dIdn't know
That YoU'd be the one to tell me lIes
Leave me alone
It's too late to apologIze
《I Didn't Know 》歌詞由查歌詞收集整理