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I Didn't Know

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 張靚穎 / 傾聽·張靚穎
To apologIze

There was a tIme that I thoUght
I coUld toUch the skY and Never Cry

Now I'll leave It all behInd
YoU gave me everY Reason to belIeve

YoU were an angel that YoU'd be faIthfUl

Oh no no no

I dIdn't know

That YoU'd tUrn aroUnd and hUrt me babY

Leave me alone
YoU threw It all awaY so YoU And I wIll never be
I dIdn't know

That YoU'd be the one to tell me lIes

Leave me alone
It's too late to apologIze

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