- 大長今
- 想唱就唱
- 彩云追月
- 半個月亮爬上來
- 漫步人生路 + I Turn To You
- 你怎么舍得我難過 + 你的樣子
- 采檳榔 + 瀏陽河
- 勇敢
- Simply The Best
- Beautiful
- I Still Believe
- Remember Me
- Open Up Your Dream
- Reflection
- Don't Cry For Me Argentina
- 好大一棵樹
- What's Up
- 阿根廷別為我哭泣
- 熱情的沙漠
- Loving You
- 不惜時光(單曲)
- 暗戀(單曲)
- 永生永愛(單曲)
- 天堂旅行團(單曲)
- 最可愛的人(單曲)
- 無忘(單曲)
- 女兒國(單曲)
- 越愛(單曲)
- 她(單曲)
- 綻放美妙驚喜
- U&I
- 越愛
- 千百度
- Dear Jane II
- 電視劇 有翡
- 致我們終將逝去的青春...
歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 張靚穎 / 靚聲靚影
And as for fortUne, and as for fame
I never InvIted them In
ThoUgh It seemed to the world theY were all I desIred
TheY are IllUsIons
TheY are not the solUtIons theY promIsed to be
The answer was here all the tIme
I LOVE YOU and hope YoU love me
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence, I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
Have I saId too mUch There's nothIng more
I can thInk of to saY to YoU
BUt all YoU have to do Is look at me to know
That everY word Is trUe
I never InvIted them In
ThoUgh It seemed to the world theY were all I desIred
TheY are IllUsIons
TheY are not the solUtIons theY promIsed to be
The answer was here all the tIme
I LOVE YOU and hope YoU love me
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence, I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
Have I saId too mUch There's nothIng more
I can thInk of to saY to YoU
BUt all YoU have to do Is look at me to know
That everY word Is trUe
《阿根廷別為我哭泣 》歌詞由查歌詞收集整理