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Fighting Shadows(ft.Big Sean)

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 張靚穎 / Past Progressive


FIghtIng Shadows(ft.BIg Sean)

作詞:Jane Zhang

作曲:KIng Logan

No more rUnnIng

We are on the edge of what coUld be the end

Don't come anY closer to me

I gUarantee YoU that's not what YoU want

I'm sUre YoU thoUght that I woUld jUst laY down

BUt YoU were wrong

GIve me all YoU got, don't hold nothIn' back

PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It

Take YoUr best shot, I'll jUst gIve It back

I'm on the wInnIng sIde, we won't be defeated

I'm not afraId to dIe caUse lIfe Is a battle

And fIghtIng me, It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows

No sUrrender

I know how thIs ends, have been there

And It doesn't look good for YoU

Don't come anY closer to me

I gUarantee YoU that's not what YoU want

I'm sUre YoU thoUght that I woUld jUst laY down

BUt YoU were wrong

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GIve me all YoU got, don't hold nothIn' back

PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It

Take YoUr best shot, I'll jUst gIve It back

I'm on the wInnIng sIde, we won't be defeated

I'm not afraId to dIe caUse lIfe Is a battle

And fIghtIng me, It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows

It's all aboUt sUrvIval, I'm doIn' whatever's lIable

To spend a daY and a nIght wIth me, pRollY coUld wrIte a novel

I'm goIn' throUgh Hell and back so everY room got a BIble

MY enemIes and mY rIvals Is pRollY wIthIn a mIle

I'm readY

TheY want me to laY down or staY down bUt that aIn't mY fate now

I'm a hUndred percent If YoU're testIn' mY faIth

That I'm from a cItY where war Is a PlaygroUnd

I've been lIvIn' rIght and wrong, honestlY It's jUst so mUch to saY

BUt Only God can jUdge me, If I dIe todaY It's jUdgement daY, straIght Up

GIve me all YoU got, don't hold nothIn' back

PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It

Take YoUr best shot, I'll jUst gIve It back

I'm on the wInnIng sIde, we won't be defeated

I'm not afraId to dIe caUse lIfe Is a battle

And fIghtIng me, It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows

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