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Work for It

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 張靚穎 / Work for It


Work for It@H_423_1@

Shock mY Body@H_423_1@

@R_23_2254@ Up the fIre@H_423_1@

Can YoU Ignite It@H_423_1@

TUrn Up the flame on It@H_423_1@

Get It started@H_423_1@

PUll me In close@H_423_1@

I want YoU on me@H_423_1@

Show me whY YoU want It@H_423_1@

Walk Up to mY sessIon and@H_423_1@

YoU know I'm tUrnIng heads@H_423_1@

Got YoUr eYes all on me bUt@H_423_1@

YoU too proUd to beg@H_423_1@

YoU keep throwIng sIgns@H_423_1@

BUt I'm not a psYchIc@H_423_1@

If YoU reallY want It@H_423_1@

Better get It If YoU can@H_423_1@

YoU keep sendIng me sIgnals@H_423_1@

It's lIke that sUblImInal@H_423_1@

MY Body's talkIng@H_423_1@

WIthoUt words@H_423_1@

I know YoU feel It too@H_423_1@

Elephant In the room@H_423_1@

The energY's comIng throUgh@H_423_1@

BUt Imma make YoU work for It@H_423_1@

BUt Imma make YoU work for It@H_423_1@

BUt Imma make YoU work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa bUt Imma make It work for It@H_423_1@

TemperatUre's Rising@H_423_1@

更多歌詞都可以來 chagecI.cn 查歌詞網(wǎng)@H_423_1@

I feel the heat@H_423_1@

SomeBody hIt the sIren@H_423_1@

TUrn Up the flame on It@H_423_1@

Get It started@H_423_1@

YoU're all I need@H_423_1@

I want YoU on me@H_423_1@

Show me whY YoU want It@H_423_1@

Walk Up to mY sessIon and@H_423_1@

YoU know I'm tUrnIng heads@H_423_1@

Got YoUr eYes all on me bUt@H_423_1@

YoU too proUd to beg@H_423_1@

YoU keep throwIng sIgns@H_423_1@

BUt I'm not a psYchIc@H_423_1@

If YoU reallY want It@H_423_1@

Better get It If YoU can@H_423_1@

YoU keep sendIng me sIgnals@H_423_1@

It's lIke that sUblImInal@H_423_1@

MY Body's talkIng@H_423_1@

WIthoUt words@H_423_1@

I know YoU feel It too@H_423_1@

Elephant In the room@H_423_1@

The energY's comIng throUgh@H_423_1@

BUt Imma make YoU work for It@H_423_1@

BUt Imma make YoU work for It@H_423_1@

BUt Imma make YoU work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa work for It@H_423_1@

Aaa bUt Imma make It work for It@H_423_1@

感謝 JaneFan 提供歌詞@H_423_1@

《Work for It》歌詞查歌詞收集整理
