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To Be Loved
To Be Loved
I can see YoUr face everYwhere I look
BUt everYwhere Is nowhere wIthoUt YoU'
What I've been searchIng for all of mY lIfe
I had It rIght here - In front of mY eYes
And what I've wIshed for was nothIng compared
To what I receIved - when YoU were here wIth me
*And If YoU'll never come back
And todaY was all that we had
And If I won't see - Tomorrow wIth YoU In mY arms
Now I know what It's lIke to be loved
YoU're so far awaY bUt I feel YoU so near
It's lIke YoU never left me - Never saId good bYe
I can hear YoUr voIce In the crowd
更多歌詞都可以來 chagecI.cn 查歌詞網(wǎng)
I can feel YoU toUch me rIght now
I can see YoU @R_816_2756@ when I close mY eYes
And I hold on to that everY nIght
To help me Understand - When I ask mYself whY
Of all the people oUt there - YoU chose to be wIth me
To share a love so rare
Repeat *
What a beaUtIfUl thIng - To feel YoUr love wIthIn
LIke a chIld that sees the sUnshIne on the fIrst daY of sprIng
JUst to know It's trUe - There Is @R_687_1575@ lIke YoU
Who can make me belIeve there Is nothIng I can't do
And todaY was all that we had
And If I won't see - Tomorrow wIth YoU In mY arms
Now I know what It's lIke to be loved
to be loved
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