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Slow Down

歌詞來(lái)源專輯:華語(yǔ)男歌手 / 張杰 / 未·LIVE


SLow Down

作詞:Edd HolLowaY

作曲:Edd HolLowaY

In mY bedroom TryIng to chase the dream

All mY mates are gettIng wasted

DIsregarded almost everYthIng

Spent all mY tIme TryIng to make It

The lIttle moments seem to pass me bY

I jUst forgot mY @R_41_1167@'s bIrthdaY

So she went and got another gUY

That she met at UnIversItY

And I mIght be hIgh

BUt It's clear In mY mInd

EverYthIng I want Is waItIng to be foUnd Yeah It's crYIng oUt

So I aInt gonna sLow down sLow down

I'm not gonna waste a daY waItIng for thIngs to change

When everYthIng I want Is waItIng to be foUnd

I won't sLow down sLow down

No I aInt gonna sLow down sLow down

CUz If YoU're not gIvIng It all YoU're not gIvIng nothIng at all

And everYthIng YoU want Is waItIng to be foUnd

So don't sLow down sLow down

No I Don't mean to patronIze

EverYBody's got theIr own path

See me I'm aImIng for the skIes

Gotta make It whIle the Light lasts

And I mIght be hIgh

更多歌詞都可以來(lái) chagecI.cn 查歌詞網(wǎng)

BUt It's clear In mY mInd

EverYthIng I want Is waItIng to be foUnd

Yeah It's crYIng oUt crYIng oUt

So I aInt gonna sLow down sLow down

I'm not gonna waste a daY waItIng for thIngs to change

When everYthIng I want Is waItIng to be foUnd

I won't sLow down sLow down

No I aInt gonna sLow down sLow down

CUz If YoU're not gIvIng It all YoU're not gIvIng nothIng at all

And everYthIng YoU want Is waItIng to be foUnd

So don't sLow down sLow down

EverYdaY there's these pages In mY mInd

And theY're fIlled Up wIth waYs

To tUrn rIddles Into rhYmes oh I can't stop

I'm waItIng for that pennY drop

So I aInt gonna sLow down sLow down

I'm not gonna waste a daY waItIng for thIngs to change

When everYthIng I want Is waItIng to be foUnd

I won't sLow down sLow down

No I aInt gonna sLow down sLow down

CUz If YoU're not gIvIng It all YoU're not gIvIng nothIng at all

EverYthIng YoU want Is waItIng to be foUnd

So don't sLow down sLow down

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