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I Honestly Love You

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 張國榮 / 鐘情張國榮
張國榮 - I HonestlY Love YoU 我真的愛著你

MaYbe I hang aroUnd here 也許我在此徘徊
A lIttle more than I shoUld 已經(jīng)太久了
We both know I got somewhere else to go 我們都很清楚我還有別的去處
BUt I got somethIng to tell YoU 但我有話想對你說
That I never thoUght I woUld 一些從來不敢說的話
BUt I belIeve YoU reallY oUght to know 但我相你應(yīng)該要知道

I love YoU 我愛你
I honestlY love YoU 我真的愛著你

YoU don't have to answer 你不需回答
I see It In YoUr eYes 從你眼中,我明白
MaYbe It was better left UnsaId 也許不說反而更好
BUt thIs Is pUre and sImple 但這很簡單明瞭
And YoU mUst realIze 你必須意識到
That It's comIng from mY heart and not mY head 這是發(fā)自我的內(nèi),不是一時(shí)衝動(dòng)

I love YoU 我愛你
I honestlY love YoU 我真的愛著你

I'm not TryIng to make YoU feel Uncomfortable 我不會(huì)讓你感到為難
I'm not TryIng to make YoU anYthIng at all 我不想強(qiáng)迫你
BUt thIs feelIng doesn't come along everYdaY 但這感覺不是每天都有
And YoU shoUldn't bLow the chance 你不該放棄這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)
When YoU've got the chance to saY 當(dāng)你有機(jī)會(huì)可說出來

I love YoU 我愛你
I love YoU 我愛你
I honestlY love YoU 我真的愛著你

If we both were born In another place and tIme 如果我們並非同日同地出生
ThIs moment mIght be endIng In a kIss 一個(gè)吻可以改變這一切
BUt there YoU are wIth YoUrs 但你有你的人生
And here I am wIth mIne 我有我的
So I gUess we'll jUst be leavIng It at thIs 我想還是維持現(xiàn)狀好了

I love YoU 我愛你
I honestlY love YoU 我真的愛著你
I honestlY love YoU 我真的愛著你

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