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Pistol Packin' Melody

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 張國榮 / Day Dreamin'
I heard the mUsIc comIng
faInlY thro the wall of an old cafe
I was fellIn’ kInda restless
and drIfted t’wars the noIse
It was the end of the daY
Thro the down, down the hall
the soUnd I heard thro the wall was gettIng near

So I grabbed a sent and ordered a drInk
And was sUrpIsed that theY was PlayIn mY favoUrIte thIng
TheY were sIngIng that old Unforgetable pIstol packIn’ melodY
It’s a trUe that set me sIngIng
and the rhYthm theY were PlayIng
JUsta made me want to lIve

TheY were sIngIng that old Unforgetable pIstol packIn’ melodY
And It tIngles Up a feelIn’ and sets
mY heart a feelIn’ and It mades me want to lIve

And rUn home
and wrIte the same kInda thIng on mY own

TheY were sIngIng that old Unforgetable pIstol packIn’ melodY

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