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Invisible Love

歌詞來(lái)源專輯:華語(yǔ)女歌手 / 郁可唯 / 溫水
We never have a kIss In a crowd
or walk along the street holdIng hands
We haven't gone oUt jUst the two of Us
Don't even have a photo Together

EverY tIme that I thInk aboUt YoU
There Is somethIng shInIng In the aIr
It's jUst too bad that noBody can see
Only I know that It Is real

InvIsIble love love love
It doesn't reallY matter
If Only YoU can feel It
InvIsIble love love love
If Only I can fInd mYself In YoUr eYes

I alwaYs go to the movIes alone
It seems I never gIve YoU a call
There Is not a trace of YoU, mY babY
AnYwhere In mY room

EverY tIme that I thInk aboUt YoU
There Is somethIng shInIng In the aIr
It's jUst too bad that noBody can see
Only I know that It Is real

InvIsIble love love love
It doesn't reallY matter
If Only YoU can feel It
InvIsIble love love love
If Only I can fInd mYself In YoUr eYes

EverY tIme that I thInk aboUt YoU

錄音室、混音室:JET StUdIo
母帶后期處理工程師:Tom CoYne
母帶后期處理錄音室:SterlIng SoUnd

OP: 北京東樂(lè)影音文化有限公司
SP: EMI Ms.PUb. (S.E.AsIa) Ltd., TaIwan Branch
OP: 北京東樂(lè)影音文化有限公司
SP: EMI Ms.PUb. (S.E.AsIa) Ltd., TaIwan Branch
ISRC CN-A13-14-00128

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