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歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 郁可唯 / 百樂門
Bressanone…………布列瑟儂@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Here I stand In Bressanone…………我站在布列瑟儂@H_757_0@ WIth The Stars Up In the skY…………繁星閃爍@H_757_0@ Are theY shInIng over Brenner…………照亮布倫納的夜空@H_757_0@ And Upon the other sIde…………我回頭遙望@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ YoU woUld be a sweet sUrrender…………如果你情愿放棄@H_757_0@ I mUst go the other waY…………我會選擇遠離@H_757_0@ And mY traIn wIll carrY me onward…………火車載我去向遠方@H_757_0@ ThoUgh mY heart woUld sUrelY staY…………雖然我定會留下@H_757_0@ Wo mY heart woUld sUrelY staY…………哦,我定會留下@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Now the c@R_323_2950@s are flYIng bY me…………流從我身旁飄過 @H_757_0@ And the moon Is on the rIse…………明月冉冉升起@H_757_0@ I have left stars behInd me…………我將星辰留在身后@H_757_0@ TheY were dIamonds In YoUr skY…………如鉆石般點綴你的夜空@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ YoU woUld be a sweet sUrrender…………如果你情愿放棄@H_757_0@ I mUst go the other waY…………我會選擇遠離@H_757_0@ And mY traIn wIll carrY me onward…………火車載我去向遠方@H_757_0@ ThoUgh mY heart woUld sUrelY staY…………雖然我定會留下@H_757_0@ Wo mY heart woUld sUrelY staY…………哦,我定會留下@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ 注:以上歌詞為花香盈袖同學翻譯,如轉載請注明。謝謝!

