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Beautiful Inside

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 袁婭維 / T.I.A.
BeaUtIfUl Inside - 袁婭維 / Jay DUb@H_957_0@ @H_957_0@ @H_957_0@ 女:We Try so hard@H_957_0@ JUst don't forget who YoU are@H_957_0@ And what's Inside YoUr heart@H_957_0@ LIsten It can gUIde YoU@H_957_0@ I know so far@H_957_0@ The world has made YoU hIde@H_957_0@ BUt YoU shoUld know@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ 男:GrowIng Up for these women Is lIke a dIfferent scene@H_957_0@ EverYthIng that YoU see aIn't alwaYs what It seems@H_957_0@ Images and appearances In the magazInes@H_957_0@ Photoshopped@H_957_0@ And theY and so theY rob YoU of self esteem@H_957_0@ It's a fantasY@H_957_0@ That YoU wanna lIve@H_957_0@ So YoU don't eat@H_957_0@ U StarvIng to the rIbs@H_957_0@ Get that PlastIc sUrgerY@H_957_0@ ToUchUp to the lIps@H_957_0@ Or YoU get that tUmmY tUcked@H_957_0@ BUt stIll It's not enoUgh@H_957_0@ The obsessIon wIth beIng thIn@H_957_0@ And beIng prettY caUse wIttY Is never In@H_957_0@ AlwaYs based on appearance@H_957_0@ Only waY to get clearance to clUbs@H_957_0@ Get respect If YoU appear wIth a thUg@H_957_0@ AlwaYs do what's eXpected Is the UnderlYIng message@H_957_0@ SocIetY's objectIve@H_957_0@ Is to keep Us all oppressed wIth@H_957_0@ A Lowered self Image@H_957_0@ So we do self damage@H_957_0@ BUsIness as UsUal@H_957_0@ For them@H_957_0@ BUt jUst remember that YoU're beaUtIfUl@H_957_0@ 女:We Try so hard@H_957_0@ JUst don't forget who YoU are@H_957_0@ And what's Inside YoUr heart@H_957_0@ LIsten It can gUIde YoU@H_957_0@ I know so far@H_957_0@ The world has made YoU hIde@H_957_0@ BUt YoU shoUld know@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ 男:GrowIng Up In these streets as a man Is dIffIcUlt@H_957_0@ WhIch waY to go@H_957_0@ SometImes the path Is alreadY chose@H_957_0@ To be eXposed to Money makIng and takIng oaths@H_957_0@ BeIng a gang means gotta maIntaIn@H_957_0@ The YoUnger generatIon Is doIng@H_957_0@ The same thIng that the older class Is teachIng@H_957_0@ TheY jUst hoppIng In the Flames@H_957_0@ The cross fIre between the caUse and effect@H_957_0@ The sYstem that Is broken and the people It affects@H_957_0@ BUt stIll I'm wonderIng what's gonna come neXt@H_957_0@ The vIolence so apparent@H_957_0@ PUttIng pressUre on the parents@H_957_0@ To teach another message@H_957_0@ The one of self love@H_957_0@ CUz Only If YoU have It can YoU share It wIth YoUr clUb@H_957_0@ Forgotten Memories of felLowshIp and honor@H_957_0@ Replaced wIth bangIng and sellIng that marIjUana on the streets@H_957_0@ RUnnIng and dUckIng the polIce@H_957_0@ WhIle theY steadY pUrsUIng YoU@H_957_0@ Try to remember that YoU beaUtIfUl@H_957_0@ 女:We Try so hard@H_957_0@ JUst don't forget who YoU are@H_957_0@ And what's Inside YoUr heart@H_957_0@ LIsten It can gUIde YoU@H_957_0@ I know so far@H_957_0@ The world has made YoU hIde@H_957_0@ BUt YoU shoUld know@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ Never let them tell YoU what YoU can't do@H_957_0@ Never let them tell YoU what YoU won't do@H_957_0@ When theY hatIng tell them thank YoU@H_957_0@ SomeBody else Is gonna want YoU@H_957_0@ Never let them tell YoU what YoU can't do@H_957_0@ Never let them tell YoU what YoU won't do@H_957_0@ When theY hatIng tell them thank YoU@H_957_0@ SomeBody else Is gonna want YoU@H_957_0@ @H_957_0@ SomeBody else Is gonna want YoU@H_957_0@ We Try so hard@H_957_0@ JUst don't forget who YoU are@H_957_0@ And what's Inside YoUr heart@H_957_0@ LIsten It can gUIde YoU@H_957_0@ I know so far@H_957_0@ The world has made YoU hIde@H_957_0@ BUt YoU shoUld know@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside@H_957_0@ YoU're beaUtIfUl Inside

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Soul Food, So Good