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You are my No.1

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 許茹蕓 / 難得好天氣
YoU're MY No 1 - 許茹蕓
I've kIssed the moon a mIllIon tImes
Dancd wIth angels In the skY
I've seen snowFall In the Summer tIme
Felt the healIng of the powers above
I've even seen mIracles
I've felt the paIn dIsappear
BUt stIll haven't seen anYthIng
That amazes me qUIte lIke YoU do
YoU brIng me Up when I'm feelIng down
I'll do It for YoU
YoU toUch me deep YoU toUch me rIght
Just For You
YoU do the thIngs I've never done
YoU make me wIcked YoU make me wIld
CaUse babY babY
YoU're MY No 1
I've saIled In a perfect dream
I've seen the sUn make love to the sea
I've kIssed the moon a mIlIon tImes
Danced wIth angels In the skY
I've even seen mIracles
I've seen the tears dIsappear
BUt stIll haven't seen anYthIng
That amazes me qUIte lIke YoU do
YoU brIng me Up when I'm feelIng down
I'm crazY for YoU
YoU toUch me deep YoU toUch me rIght
I'll chase the blUes awaY
YoU do the thIngs I've never done
YoU make me wIcked YoU make me wIld
CaUse babY babY
YoU're MY No 1
YoU brIng me Up when I'm feelIng down
I'll do It for YoU
YoU toUch me deep YoU toUch me rIght
Just For You
YoU do the thIngs I've never done
YoU make me wIcked YoU make me wIld
YoU brIng me Up when I'm feelIng down
I'm crazY for YoU
YoU toUch me deep YoU toUch me rIght
I'll chase the blUes awaY
YoU do the thIngs I've never done
YoU make me wIcked YoU make me wIld
So whY
CaUse babY
YoU're MY YoU're MY No 1

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