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Daughters (MOOV Live 2011)

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 薛凱琪 / MOOV Live 2011 薛凱琪
[0:25.81]I know a boY
[0:30.66]he pUts the color Inside of mY world
[0:38.15]bUt he's jUst lIke a maze
[0:42.82]Where all of the walls all contInUallY change
[0:50.60]and I've done all I can
[0:55.11]To stand on the steps wIth mY heart In mY hand
[1:2.76]Now I'm startIng to see
[1:7.43]MaYbe It's got nothIng at all to do wIth me
[1:14.79][2:15.36]so Fathers be good To Your daUghters
[1:20.98][2:21.81][3:38.2]DaUghters wIll love lIke YoU do
[1:27.14][2:27.89][3:44.18]GIrls become lovers who tUrn Into mothers
[1:32.95][2:33.71][3:50.5][3:56.9][4:2.28]So mothers be good To Your daUghters too
[1:51.33]and do nonononot YoU see that @R_384_2957@
[1:56.60]It's the same I've been standIng In
[2:3.1]SInce the daY I saw hIm walkIng awaY
[2:8.89]Now I'm left cleanIng Up the mess he made
[2:40.43]BoYs I can break
[2:46.13]FInd oUt how mUch I can take
[2:50.74]I wIll be strong as Soldier are
[2:56.72]BUt I woUld be gone
[2:58.69]wIthoUt warmth of a woman's good good heart
[3:18.64]On behalf of everY man lookIng oUt for everY gIrl
[3:24.28]YoU are the god and the weIght of mY world
[3:31.76]So fathers be good To Your daUghters

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