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Till The End Of Time

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / Winter Light
JUst another love song
On the radIo
And a tear Falls
CaUse I'm thInkIng of YoU
I remember oUr good-bYes
And lookIng In YoUr eYes
As YoU help me
And told me we were throUgh
JUst another hoUr
That wIll never end
And I'm coUntIng
EverY heartbeat alone
I'm wIshIng on the moon
That I was holdIng YoU
If The Stars above coUld Only brIng
YoU home
We Used to walk along the ocean
Hand In hand
BUt the water washed oUr footprInts
From the sand
JUst lIke YoU left mY lIfe
WIthoUt a sIngle trace
BUt I can't erase YoUr love
BabY I wIll alwaYs be Forever lovIng YoU
And I love YoU more each daY that
We're apart
No matter where YoU are no matter what
YoU do
TIll the end of tIme I'll stIll be here for YoU
I shoUld let thIs love go
Instead of holdIng on
To the hope that
YoU wIll come back to me
BUt everY tIme I Try
It ears me Up Inside
To thInk that we were never meant to be
We Used to walk along the ocean
Hand In hand
BUt the water washed oUr footprInts
From the sand
JUst lIke YoU left mY lIfe
WIthoUt a sIngle trace
StIll I can't erase YoUr love

BabY I wIll alwaYs be Forever lovIng YoU

And I love YoU more each daY that
We're apart
No matter where YoU are no matter what
YoU do
TIll end of tIme I'll stIll be here for YoU

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Love You Now
Another Sad Love Song