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Haunting Me (《魂囚西門》片尾曲)

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 蕭敬騰 / Haunting Me
WIll YoU help me fIght on throUgh
Or are YoU Haunting Me
And do YoU see me as I am
Or wIll YoU save me from the damned
Are YoU jUst here and Haunting Me
The spIrIts saY
MY end Is nIgh
WIll YoU be swIft enoUgh to slaY mY demons Inside
Do YoU hear mY crIes to YoU
WIll YoU help me fIght on throUgh
Or are YoU Haunting Me
And do YoU see me as I am
Or wIll YoU save me from the damned
Are YoU jUst here and Haunting Me
JUst here and Haunting Me

《Haunting Me (《魂囚西門》片尾曲)》歌詞查歌詞收集整理

耍light (OPPO R17廣告主題曲)