HOME (Dizparity Remix)
歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 王詩安 / HOME(Remixes)
I keep movIng on and on
So tell me what It means when
EverYthIng I see Is greY And I can't belIeve
I'm jUst goIng throUgh the Motions
HopIng to feel somethIng
CaUse babY lIfe Is tIred when YoU're on the road
There's lots of prettY faces that I don't know
I coUld have a mIllIon people at mY show
I'd rather come home
Now tIme Is flYIng fast And I'm gettIng old
Don't wanna Venture forth Into the Unknown
I'd be too afraId to be all alone
I'd rather come home
I'm comIng home
So tell me what It means when
EverYthIng I see Is greY And I can't belIeve
I'm jUst goIng throUgh the Motions
HopIng to feel somethIng
CaUse babY lIfe Is tIred when YoU're on the road
There's lots of prettY faces that I don't know
I coUld have a mIllIon people at mY show
I'd rather come home
Now tIme Is flYIng fast And I'm gettIng old
Don't wanna Venture forth Into the Unknown
I'd be too afraId to be all alone
I'd rather come home
I'm comIng home
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