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Eyes On Me

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 王菲 / Separate Ways
eYes on me


whenever sang mY songs.每次唱自己的歌
on the stage,on mY own!獨自在舞臺上

whenever saId mY words.道出
wIshIng theY woUld be heard.希望有人聆聽
I saw YoU smIlIng at me.看見你對我微笑
was It real or jUst mY fantasY?真的嗎?亦或只是我的幻想?
YoU'd alwaYs be there In the corner.你總待在角落里
of thIs tInY lIttle bar.在這個小酒吧中

mY last nIght here for YoU.最后在此為你待一個晚上
samg old songs,jUst once more.最后唱一遍相同的老歌
mY last nIght here wIth YoU?這是與你在一起的最后一晚嗎?
maYbe Yes,maYbe no.也許,是也許不是.
I kInd of lIked It YoUr waY.我有些@R_453_4237@注視我的方式
how YoU shYlY placed Ur eYes on me.害羞地凝視著我
oh,dId YoU ever know?哦,你@R_616_3979@
that I had mIne on YoU.我也在注視著你

darlIng,so there YoU are.達令,你就在那兒
wIth that look on YoUr face.臉上的表情
as If YoU're never hUrt.好象從未受過傷害
as If YoU're never down.從未失敗
shall I be the one for YoU?我可以是哪個人嗎?
who pInches YoU softlY bUt sUre.那個溫柔而堅定地擰你一下的人
If frown Is shown then.如果你皺眉
I'll know that YoU're on dreamer.我會知道你不是在夢游

so let me come To You.讓我靠近你
close as I wanted to be近到我滿意
close enoUgh for me.近到我
to feel YoUr heart beatIng fast.能聽見你的心跳加速
and staY there as I whIsper.我??吭谀莾呵穆曉V說
how I love YoU peacefUl eYes on me.多么@R_453_4237@凝視我的寧的雙眼
dId YoU ever know.哦,你@R_616_3979@
that I had mIne on YoU.我也在注視著你

darlIng,so share wIth me.愛人,如果你的愛夠深
YoUr love If YoU have enoUgh.和我分享吧
Ur tests If YoU're holdIng back.強忍住的淚水和痛苦
or paIn If that's what It Is.也讓我分擔
how can I let YoU know.怎樣讓你知道
I'm more than the dress the voIce.我不僅是這樣的音容笑貌.
jUst reach me oUt then.伸手碰一下我
YoU'll know that YoU're not Dreaming.便會知道你不是在做夢

darlIng,so there YoU are.達令,你就在那兒
wIth that look on YoUr face.臉上的表情
as If YoU're never hUrt.好象從未受過傷害
as If YoU're never down.從未失敗
shall I be the one for YoU?我可以是哪個人嗎?
who pInches YoU softlY bUt sUre.那個溫柔而堅定地擰你一下的人
If frown Is shown then.如果你皺眉
I'll know that YoU're on dreamer.我會知道你不是在夢游

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Separate Ways(128 Beat Mix)