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Scarborough Fair

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 童麗 / Endless Love 永無止境的愛

Tell hIm to fInd me an acre of land
ParsleY sage rosemarY and thYme
Between the saltY water and the sea strands
Then he'll be a trUe love of mIne

Tell hIm to reap It wIth a sIckle of leather
ParsleY sage rosemarY and thYme
And gather It all In a bUnch of heather
Then he'll be a trUe love of mIne

Are YoU goIng to ScarboroUgh FaIr
ParsleY sage rosemarY and thYme
Remember me to one who lIves there
He once was a trUe love of mIne

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Where's My Love