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Wind Beneath My Wings

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 譚詠麟 / Time After Time 演唱會(huì)
WInd Beneath MY WIngs - 譚詠麟
It mUst have been cold there In mY shadow
to never have Sunlight on YoUr face
YoU were content to let me shIne that's YoUr waY
YoU alwaYs walked a step behInd
So I was the one wIth all the glorY
whIle YoU were the one wIth all the strength
A beaUtIfUl face wIthoUt a name for so long
a beaUtIfUl Smile to hIde the paIn
DId YoU ever know that YoU're mY hero
and ev'rYthIng I woUld lIke to be
I can flY Higher than an eagle
'caUse YoU are the wInd beneath mY wIngs
It mIght have appeared to go UnnotIced
bUt I've got It all here In mY heart
I want YoU to know I know the trUth of coUrse I know It
I woUld be nothIng wIth oUt YoU
DId YoU ever know that YoU're mY hero
and ev'rYthIng I woUld lIke to be
I can flY Higher than an eagle
'caUse YoU are the wInd beneath mY wIngs
DId I ever tell YoU YoUr mY hero
YoU're everYthIng everYthIng I wIsh I coUld be
I can flY Higher than an eagle
'caUse YoU are the wInd beneath mY wIngs
YoU are the wInd beneath mY wIngs
YoU are the wInd beneath mY wIngs
YoU are the wInd beneath mY wIngs
FlY flY flY awaY
YoU let me flY so hIgh
Oh flY flY
so hIgh agaInst the skY so hIgh I almost toUch the skY
Thank YoU thank YoU thank God for YoU
the wInd beneath mY wIngs

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