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Let Me Whisper In Your Ear

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 譚詠麟 / Hello! Solitude
作曲:入江純 填詞:@R_916_2624@ HennrIck
編曲:入江純 語言:英語
收錄于大碟:HELLO! Solitude(1987)/手相連 (1988)

Now the moment that YoU walked In the room
SomethIng told me go ahead, make YoUr move
So I asked YoU If YoU wanted to Dance
And YoUr eYes saId that YoU mIght take a chance
So get readY for some romance tonIght
Hold me tIghter, pUt YoUr cheek neXt to mIne
Feel the rhYthm now, there's no need to speak
BabY, share some Body langUage wIth me
SkIp the small talk aboUt the weather
Forget the headlIne news
BabY, let It waIt
'CaUse I wanna saY
Sweet nothIngs To You
Let me whIsper In YoUr ear
What a woman wants to hear
When noBody else Is near
And the Lights are all waY down Low
Let me whIsper soft and clear
What a woman wants to hear
From a man who's so sIncere
DarlIng, I want YoU to know
I love YoU so
MaYbe later when the mUsIc Is throUgh
If YoU fInd that I'm stIll holdIng YoU
I can take YoU to a new rendezvoUs
And we'll have a tete-a-tete jUst for two
No more Idle conversatIon
And no more PlayIn' games
BabY, when we kIss
I get serIoUs, so do It agaIn

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Misty You