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One United People

歌詞來(lái)源專輯:華語(yǔ)女歌手 / 孫燕姿 / The Moment
One SIngapore @H_516_0@ One people strong & free @H_516_0@ WIth one heart, @H_516_0@ One voIce we make oUr hIstorY, @H_516_0@ We are a raInbow of a thoUSAnd Colors @H_516_0@ LightIng Up the skY @H_516_0@ we share the SIngapore heartbeat @H_516_0@ Together YoU & I , We are One SIngapore @H_516_0@ One natIon strong & free @H_516_0@ A thoUSAnd voIces sIng In harmonY @H_516_0@ We wIll stand Together @H_516_0@ Together hand In hand as @H_516_0@ One UnIted people @H_516_0@ for SIngapore mY homeland @H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ MY SIngapore @H_516_0@ OUr Island In the sUn @H_516_0@ thIs Is mY homeland @H_516_0@ Its where mY strength Is from @H_516_0@ a raInbow of thoUSAnd Colors @H_516_0@ LightIng Up the skY @H_516_0@ we bUIld a brIghter fUtUre @H_516_0@ Together YoU & I @H_516_0@ we are One SIngapore @H_516_0@ One natIon strong & free @H_516_0@ A thoUSAnd dIfferent voIces sIng In harmonY @H_516_0@ We wIll stand Together @H_516_0@ Together hand In hand as @H_516_0@ One UnIted people @H_516_0@ for SIngapore mY homeland @H_516_0@ One SIngapore @H_516_0@ One natIon strong & free @H_516_0@ A thoUSAnd dIfferent voIces sIng In harmonY @H_516_0@ We wIll stand Together @H_516_0@ Together hand In hand as @H_516_0@ One UnIted people @H_516_0@ for SIngapore mY homeland

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