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oh oh oh oh...

歌詞來源專輯:華語樂隊(duì)組合 / 蘇打綠 / 陪我歌唱

YoU're In the theater, the corner to show YoUrself
I got the fIre, the desIre droppIng on the floor
YoU are a sInger, a Player mIXIng mY soUl
sUddenlY I have nothIng bUt mYself

It's a mYsterY to Mistreat and let me drY
It's reallY dIre, not faIr to be smooth no more
am I a loser, or a wInner wIthIn thIs game
how can I be free to havIng mY cUp of tea

I shoUld orIgInallY be ok
bUt Only when I see YoU, oh oh oh oh......
somethIng Inside me reallY be nok
bUt I can't brIng everYthIng Under control
I cannot see the waY to go straIght
It's so perfect to melt Into mY lIfe
maYbe I actUallY shoUldn't be afraId
takIng soUndIng and see what It all comes down to

YoU know, I cannot tell what I waItIng for
alrIght, YoU're better to hUrrY Up tonIght

are YoU mY father, mY mother or a port of call
I got the troUble, I folLow the damn sorrow
I took a frozen shower to ease mY load
all of a sUdden I have nothIng bUt a holLow

It's a mYsterY to Mistreat and let me drY
It's reallY dIre, not faIr to be smooth no more
am I a loser, or a wInner wIthIn thIs game
how can I be free to havIng mY cUp of tea

I shoUld orIgInallY be ok
bUt Only when I see YoU, oh oh oh oh......
somethIng Inside me reallY be nok
bUt I can't brIng everYthIng Under control
I cannot see the waY to go straIght
It's so perfect to melt Into mY lIfe
maYbe I actUallY shoUldn't be afraId
no matter YoU are marY, helen or gInger somethIng

YoU know, I cannot tell what I waItIng for
alrIght, YoU're better to hUrrY Up tonIght

I shoUld be ok bUt I'm nok
I shoUld be ok bUt I'm nok
I shoUld be ok bUt I'm nok


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