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Saving Grace

歌詞來源專輯:華語樂隊(duì)組合 / Soler / 卡夫卡不插電
And thIs Is what he saId

'ForgIve and then forget'

So I asked hIm what of all the paIn I'm goIng throUgh
@R_166_1273@f It's rIght to hate the one YoU thInk Is hUrtIng YoU
As I laY there In despaIr
He placed hIs hands Upon mY head
And as I wept

ThIs Is what he saId
Son YoU'll see oceans moUntaIns hIgh and Low
YoU'll have snowflakes sLowlY meltIng on YoUr nose
And oh that feelIng of the sUn warmIng YoUr face

The Light of savIng grace'

After everYthIng I've saId
And all the stUpId thIngs I've done
The snow has melted and todaY
I'm dancIng In the sUn
I stIll belIeve that he's Up there
WatchIng over me
I swear sometImes I hear

A whIsper In mY ear
Son YoU'll see oceans moUntaIns hIgh and Low
YoU'll have snowflakes sLowlY meltIng on YoUr nose
And oh that feelIng of the Light of savIng grace
Son YoU'll see oceans moUntaIns hIgh and Low
YoU'll have snowflakes sLowlY meltIng on YoUr nose
And oh that feelIng of the Light of savIng grace

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