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歌詞來源專輯:華語樂隊組合 / SHE / 女生宿舍
It's jUst another ordInarY MondaY blUe seems all The Stars
Are FallIng apart for me and U and I feel Happy Happy
I'm so Happy when I Fall In love becaUse I'm Happy Happy
I'm so Happy when I Fall In love

RaIn drops keep FallIng all the WednesdaY tIll mIdnIght bUt
I can feel the sUnshIne YoU gIve
Me on the lIne and U saY babe babe I'm YoUr babe when U
Fall In love U call me babe babe I'm YoUr babe when U
Fall In love

Thank god It's FrIdaY I can't waIt to be wIth U
All nIght we walk Into the moonLight raInbow dream and
YoU're mY Only Only I'm Ur Only when we Fall In love
Now we're Happy, Babe, Love's the Only thIng for U


Too Much