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Once again

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Once AgaIn


EverYBody’s chasIng after what theY need and get the thIngs theY want
SpendIng all theIr tIme on It before theY learn theY’re rUnnIng oUt

What theY’ve lost aIn’t comIng back even thoUgh theY now regret
NothIng’s goIng to be changed
Once agaIn

ScreamIng, crYIng for one more chance Please
I’m talkIng to YoU now

Can YoU brIng everYthIng along to heaven when YoU're gone
Is It worth It spendIng all YoUr tIme to bUIld YoUr name
I'd rather sqUander everY moment wIth mY melodIes
HappIness wIll alwaYs be rIght neXt to me

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The sun also rises