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Imagination荒謬的愛 (Demo)

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 尚雯婕 / w in 贏
Love Is an obsessIon
YoUr mInd Is
MY InspIratIon
It lIes In YoUr eYes
Am I able to lIve
Don’t take awaY
MY redemptIon
It’s all Imagination
Tell me YoUr confUsIon
Don’t hIde from me
YoUr confessIon
YoUr destrUctIon
Am I able to sUrvIve
BUt YoU’re not lIstenIng
YoU’re jUst not lIstenIng(X4)

《Imagination荒謬的愛 (Demo)》歌詞查歌詞收集整理

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