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Whoever Finds This , I Love Yo

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 齊豫 / The Unheard Of Chyi
Well , the old man's eYes searched the orphan's home
And came to rest Upon a chIld
WIth her nose pressed Up agaInst the wIndow pane
And the old man knew he'd foUnd a frIend at last
So he waved at her and Smiled
And theY both knew theY'd spend the wInter
LaUghIng at the raIn
And theY dId spend the wInter laUghIng at the raIn
TalkIng throUgh the fence
EXchangIng lIttle GIFTS theY've made for each other
The old man wold carve toYs,
And the lIttle gIrl woUld draw pIctUres fo beaUtIfUl ladIes
And theY laUghed a lot.
BUt then one daY on the fIrst of JUne
The lttle gIrl ran to the fencethe old man wasn't there
And somehow she knew he was never comIng beck
So she went back to her lttle room
Took a craYonand wrote
Whoever fInds thIs I LOVE YOU
Whoever fInds thIs I need YoU
I even got no one to talk to
So whoever fInds thIs I LOVE YOU
So whoever fInds thIs I LOVE YOU

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