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Windmills Of Your Mind

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 齊豫 / Another Chapter
Is the soUnd of dIstant drUmmIng jUst the fIngers of YoUr hand
PIctUres hangIng In a hallwaY and the fragment of a song
Half remembered names and faces bUt to whom do theY belong
When YoU knew that It was over YoU were sUddenlY aware

That the aUtUmn leaves were tUrnIng to the color of her haIr
LIke a cIrcle In a spIral lIke a wheel wIthIn a wheel

Never endIng or beGinnIng on an ever spInnIng reel
As the Images UnwInd lIke the cIrcles that YoU fInd

In the wIndmIlls of YoUr mInd

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Danny's Song
Light A Light