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Can't stop Christmas

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 彭佳慧 / 情歌手
Can't stop the raIn from FallIng@H_234_0@ Each tIme skY@H_234_0@ DecIdes to crY@H_234_0@ Can't stop the sUn from shInIng@H_234_0@ TIl the daY tUrns Into nIght@H_234_0@ And all over the world@H_234_0@ TheY Try to steal oUr joY@H_234_0@ BUt spIrIt can't be broken@H_234_0@ EverY man&woman,gIrl or boY@H_234_0@ Can't stop the joY@H_234_0@ Can't stop the Reason@H_234_0@ ChrIstmas lIves Inside of Us@H_234_0@ From season to season@H_234_0@ Can't stop the paIn@H_234_0@ Of all the hatred In the world@H_234_0@ There'll be no hate; no war In God we'll tUrst@H_234_0@ And peace on earth@H_234_0@ CaUse YoU can't stop ChrIstmas@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ There's a feelIng@H_234_0@ We share@H_234_0@ DIdn't know It, It alwaYs was there@H_234_0@ For UnIten we wIll stand@H_234_0@ Brother to brother hand In hand@H_234_0@ WIth one song, one dream, one praYer@H_234_0@ Let YoUr voIce be heard@H_234_0@ For MIs blessIngs sUrroUnd Us@H_234_0@ All across the world@H_234_0@ Can't stop the joY@H_234_0@ Can't stop the Reason@H_234_0@ ChrIstmas lIves Inside of Us from season to season@H_234_0@ Can't stop the paIn@H_234_0@ Of all the hatred In the world@H_234_0@ There'll be no hate; no war In God we'll tUrst@H_234_0@ And peace on earth@H_234_0@ CaUse YoU can't stop ChrIstmas…@H_234_0@ Reach oUt for those In need@H_234_0@ For the magIc of ChrIstmas Is to gIve and to belIeve!@H_234_0@ Can't stop ChrIstmas

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