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> Make more tIme! @H_757_0@ Money Is not evIl bY Itself@H_757_0@ 本身無罪@H_757_0@ Its jUst paper wIth perceIved valUe to obtaIn other thIngs we valUe In other waYs@H_757_0@ 只是商品流通的交換介質,只是一張紙@H_757_0@ If not Money – what Is evIl YoU maY ask?@H_757_0@ 那你會問,什么是邪惡?@H_757_0@ EvIl Is the UnqUenchable, obsessIve and moral bendIng desIre for more@H_757_0@ 邪惡是上癮的道德扭曲的欲望@H_757_0@ EvIl Is the bottomless, soUlless and obsessIve-compUlsIve pUrsUIt of some pot of gold@H_757_0@ 是強迫自己無休止地覬覦@H_757_0@ at the end of some raInbow whIch doesn’t eXIst@H_757_0@ 那些并不存在的夢幻@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ EvIl Is havIng a prIce tag for YoUr heart and soUl In eXchange for fInancIal sUccess at anY cost@H_757_0@ 邪惡是你內不惜一切代價獲取經濟利益的價格標簽@H_757_0@ EvIl Is TryIng to bUY happIness, agaIn and agaIn@H_757_0@ 是貪得無厭,索取幸福@H_757_0@ UntIl all of those fake, short lIved mIrages of eMotions are gone@H_757_0@ 直到那些虛幻的蜃景消逝@H_757_0@ Make more tIme@H_757_0@ 讓時間更有意義@H_757_0@ I’m not saYIng YoU can’t be fInancIallY sUccessfUl@H_757_0@ 我并不是說你不能在經濟上取得成功@H_757_0@ I’m saYIng have a greater pUrpose In lIfe well beYond the pUrsUIt of fInancIal sUccess@H_757_0@ 我是說有一個偉大的生活目標會超越經濟方面的成功@H_757_0@ YoUr soUl Is screamIng for YoU to answer YoUr trUe callIng@H_757_0@ 你的靈魂在尖叫著等你最真切的回應@H_757_0@ YoU can change todaY If YoU redefIne what sUccess Is To You@H_757_0@ 如果你重新定義成功,你可能改變自己的現(xiàn)狀@H_757_0@ YoU can transform YoUr damaged relatIonshIps and bUIld new ones@H_757_0@ 你可能改善并重新建立你的人際關系@H_757_0@ YoU can forgIve YoUrself and others who’ve hUrt YoU@H_757_0@ 你可能原諒自己和傷害過你的人@H_757_0@ YoU can become a leader bY mentorIng wIth others who YoU aspIre to be lIke@H_757_0@ 在你仰慕的人的指導下你也可能成為一個領導@H_757_0@ YoU can re-balance YoUr prIorItIes In lIfe@H_757_0@ 你可以重新調整生活的重@H_757_0@ YoU can heal YoUr marrIage and recreate a Stronger love than YoU ever thoUght possIble@H_757_0@ 你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建真愛@H_757_0@ YoU can become the best parent possIble at anY age – even 86@H_757_0@ 你在任何年紀都能成為最好的父母,甚至在86歲@H_757_0@ bUt don’t waIt UntIl then…@H_757_0@ 但千萬別等到那時@H_757_0@ YoU wIll alwaYs be able to make more Money@H_757_0@ 你將來可能會賺很多@H_757_0@ BUt YoU cannot make more tIme@H_757_0@ 卻得不到更多時間@H_757_0@ > END


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