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青花瓷 (英文版)

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 羅藝恒 / 青花瓷
“@R_276_4323@瓷 (英文版)”

YoUr toUch lIke brUsh strokes YoU hold coloUr In mY @R_60_2957@
The deep blUe and pearl whIte gLow lIke porcelaIn.
As I stare clear throUgh the wIndow that I’m locked wIthIn
I coUnt the seconds to see YoU agaIn.
PossessIons reach cannot hold beaUtY sUch as YoUrs
Yet stIll Its cLouds shroUd YoUr Light so YoUr petals Fall
YoUr fLowers kIss I remInIsce, now I Only see In pIctUre frames.

The skY Is crYIng blUe, as I waIt for YoU
The fIre In mY heart bUrnIng whIte and trUe
A thoUSAnd mIles the smoke Is Rising hIgh both sIdes
I see YoUr shadow oUtlIned throUgh
The skY stIll dark as I make mY waY To You
WhIte moon Light gUIdes oUr waY, fIelds of mornIng dew
OUr world Is greener on the other sIde so free
The tIme Is callIng.

PerfectIon locked and UntoUched trapped behInd thIs glaze
The shInIng whIte holds Its shape so elegantlY
BeaUtIfUl blUe hIdes entwIned hold Its secrets tIght
All of Its mYsterIes sUbdUed beneath
These eYes have Only one mInd, set Upon Us two.
MY present, past and the fUtUre resIde In YoU
AlthoUgh the Ink has come to fade.
Its art and meanIng stIll remaIn.

The skY Is crYIng blUe, as I waIt for YoU
The fIre In mY heart bUrnIng whIte and trUe
A thoUSAnd mIles the smoke Is Rising hIgh both sIdes
I see YoUr shadow oUtlIned throUgh
The skY stIll dark as I make mY waY To You
WhIte moon Light gUIdes oUr waY, fIelds of mornIng dew
OUr world Is greener on the other sIde so free
The tIme Is callIng.
The skY Is crYIng blUe, as I waIt for YoU
The fIre In mY heart bUrnIng whIte and trUe
OUr world Is greener on the other sIde so free
The tIme Is callIng.

《青花瓷 (英文版)》歌詞查歌詞收集整理

野子 (中英文版)