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歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 林憶蓮 / 意亂情迷演唱會
@R_950_3916@ - 歲月流聲
WaItIng for mY favorIte songs
When theY Played Id sIng along,
It make me Smile.
Those were sUch @R_238_2490@ tImes and not so long ago
How I wondered where theYd gone. Those old melodIes stIll soUnd so good to me
As theY melt the Years awaY
EverY shalala everY wowo stIll shInes
EverY shIng-a-lIng-a-lIng that theYre startIngTo sIng
so fIne
When theY get to the part
where shes breakIng mY heart
Some can even make me crY
jUst lIke before
Its YesterdaY once more

woh woh Yeah Yeah
I love YoU more than I can saY
Ill love YoU twIce as mUch Tomorrow Woh
love YoU more than I can saY

夜來香 我為你歌唱
夜來香 我為你思量
啊 啊 啊 我為你歌唱 我為你思量

良夜不能留 只為時光不停留
怕只怕那太陽出來 照透了絲絲西樓 Long ago and oh so far awaY
I fell In love wIth YoU before the second show
Dont YoU remember YoU told me YoU loved me babY
YoU saId YoUd beIng back thIs waY agaIn babY
BabY, babY, babY, babY, oh, babY,
I love YoU
I reallY do Do YoU know where YoU goIng to
Do YoU lIke the thIngs that lIfe Is showIng YoU
Where are YoU goIng to
Do YoU know... Oh, My Love, mY darlIng
Im hUnger for YoUr toUch
Are YoU Are YoU stIll mIne?
I need YoUr love,
I need YoUr love,
God speed YoUr love to me
stop oh Yes and waIt a mInUte Mr.Postman
waIt patIentlY
(Mister postman look and see) oh Yeah
(If theres a letter In the bag for me)@R_164_1989@ Mr. Postman
(Ive been waItIng a long long tIme)oh, Yeah
[08:57.02e on delIver the letter, the sooner the better
waItIng waItIng waItIng
waIt a mInUte waIt a mInUte oh Yeah
Mr. Postman
If YoU leave me now.
take awaY the bIggest part of me.
Wo...no babY @R_164_1989@ dont go.
And If YoU leave me now.
take awaY the verY heart of me.
Wo...no babY @R_164_1989@ dont go.
Wo... go now jUst walked to the staIr.
I know YoUr eYes In the mornIng sUn
I feel YoU toUch me In the poUrIng raIn
And the moment that YoU wonder far from me
I wanna feel YoU In mY arms agaIn
BUtYoU maY not thInk I care of YoU
When YoU know down Inside that I reallY do
And Its me YoU need to show
How deep Is YoUr love
A love lIke oUrs thIs love Is hard to fInd
How coUld we let It slIp awaY
We′vee too far to leave It all behInd
How coUld we end It all thIs waY
When Tomorrowes and we′ll both regret
The thIngs we saId todaY
How deep Is YoUr love
I reallY need to learn
Coz were lIvIng In a world of fools
BreakIng Us down
When theY all shoUld let Us be
We belong To You and me
da la da la

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